Soups and Chilis

Strawberry BBQ Sauce and EASY Guacamole

I couldn’t let this day go by without posting some delicious recipes. I wasn’t really planning on posting these, so I do not have my own pictures, but please do yourself a favor and TRY THESE today or sometime this summer!

This Strawberry BBQ Sauce tasted amazing on a thick piece of wild-caught salmon yesterday. This would also go well smothered on a nice piece of dark chicken meat! Or, if you don’t eat meat/fish, try it on some extra dry tofu. If you want to make it lower in sugar, use reduced sugar jam and ketchup.

And, in proving that I do think real guacamole is actually quite good for you (as long as you don’t eat a pound of it and serve it with multiple servings of salted chips!), here is a must-have product for your Cinco De Mayo celebration:

With this product all you need is 3-4 ripe avocado, and you’ve got perfect guacamole.

QUESTION: How will you celebrate Cinco De Mayo today?! I have the day off and it just so happens to be beautiful out today. I will be basking in the sun, drinking margaritas (or…ice tea with lemon!).

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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