Health & Food

Health Benefits of American Ginseng Root

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a herb that grows mainly in North America. Due to incredible demand, some states have declared it an endangered species. It refers to 11 unique varieties of tiny, slow-growing plants with thick roots. It features fairly high stalk, green, oval-shaped leaves, and a light-colored, forked-shaped root. American ginseng root is often dried and powdered and ingested as capsules for various wellness purposes. However, ginseng tea and tinctures are also available.

Role of Ginseng Root in Medical History

Ginseng is a medicinal root with a long history of use. American ginseng is a type of adaptogen. Adaptogens are said to help the body in overcoming mental or physical stress. American ginseng also has potent antioxidant features that protect against cell damage. It’s been shown to help with depression, blood sugar control, stomach distress caused by anxiety, and stress. The plant has been shown to improve health and offer disease prevention, according to recent research. Today, ginseng is often used as an immune system builder, an aphrodisiac, and for boosting athletic performance.

Health Benefits of American Ginseng Root

Because of its anti-cancer properties and ability to boost immune system function, American ginseng is often given to cancer patients as well as those who are suffering from colds, flu, or other medical conditions involving the heart or lungs. Ginseng extracts, like guarana or L-theanine, are a common ingredient in many famous energy drinks to boost energy while minimizing some of the harmful side effects of caffeine and offering steady energy. According to present scientific research, american ginseng root has the following advantages:

Enhances Brain Function

A 12-week trial involving Alzheimer’s patients is among the most promising research on the health benefits of ginseng. In comparison to the control group, the ginseng group performed better on cognitive tests at the end of the study.

Reduces Hyperglycemia

Ginseng’s bioactive compounds, called ginsenosides, have anti-diabetic effects on patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. There have been up to 12 human trials on diabetes patients, and ginseng has been shown to boost glucose absorption and control insulin production, resulting in anti-diabetic effects.

Boosts Libido

Ginseng is well known for increasing libido and treating erectile dysfunction signs and symptoms. Scientific research on both humans and animals shows that it improves sexual behavior. Studies on males have found that ginseng increases sperm quantity and quality. Ginseng was found to increase sexual desire in a study on menopausal women.

Lowers Cholesterol

The accumulation of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream produces arterial plaque, which increases the chance of heart disease. Ginseng has organic compounds that decrease cholesterol, which can help prevent heart disease. According to studies, taking ginseng supplements lowers levels of the bad cholesterol LDL while increasing levels of HDL.


Adults can generally take 200–400 mg of American ginseng orally twice daily for three–six months to see effective results. To know the ideal dosage for a specific disease, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. Sliced american ginseng root can be simmered in water for 45 minutes or more to extract the most ginsenosides and consumed as a soup. Supplement use should be personalized and approved by a medical expert, such as a licensed dietitian, Pharmacist, or health doctor.

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my name is Jodi Dangerfield. I am a writer and freelancer. I have written articles for various companies, including this one!

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