Health & Food

Health Benefits of Coffee: Here’s What the Research Says in 2022

Did you know that your daily coffee could actually be helping your overall health? There have been so many studies done on the impact of coffee on our bodies, and those studies all seem to say the same thing: coffee can help you live longer. Keep in mind that most of these studies were done with plain coffee, so don’t go rushing to your coffee machine to get your triple shot white chocolate mocha expecting it to have all of these same benefits to the highest degree. You can, however, rest assured that when you are drinking a coffee of any kind you will get some good health benefits that make that coffee taste even better! Most people assume that tea is the healthy alternative to coffee, but coffee can provide just as many benefits. Let’s learn about some of these benefits (and a couple downsides, just to keep it even).

Please note that these benefits are general and may not be realized by everyone. Not everyone’s bodies will react the same way to the same things, and we are not doctors so we can’t make any guarantees.

  • Lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Coffee drinkers in studies were at about 11% lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. There are obviously other lifestyle factors to consider, but that’s still pretty neat.
  • Help burn fat. In a study from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers discovered that coffee could help boost your body’s maximal fat oxidation rate, as well as your aerobic capacity. This basically means that if you get a cup of coffee 30-60 minutes before your workout, you can increase your performance and burn more fat than if you don’t.
  • Reduce the risk of certain kinds of cancer. Coffee has been shown to possibly lower the risks of developing cancers. The antioxidants in coffee can help your body fight off cancer cells.
  • Reduce the risk of dementia-related diseases. Coffee has been shown to boost long-term memory recall, making it a good drink for those dealing with dementia-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, etc. Coffee also helps to reduce inflammation, which is also highly beneficial to these diseases as many of them are partially caused by inflammation in the brain. There is also some evidence that coffee can help as a neuro-protectant and help eliminate the dead brain cells and protein tangles that are associated with causing dementia.
  • Boost heart health. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, partaking in a couple cups of coffee each day can help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease!
  • Help you live longer. Coffee is a great drink, and drinking it makes us happy. Did you know that happiness is linked to longevity? Well, it is. Part of that comes from the experiences associated with coffee, such as finding a new favorite local place or grabbing a cup of coffee with friends. If your coffee sparks joy, you can add that to your list of reasons to keep enjoying it. Coffee also has enough health benefits that it can extend your life if you drink it responsibly. Coffee drinkers, according to various studies, are 14% less likely to die early. The FDA recommends a max of 400mg per day for this particular benefit.
  • Help fight depression. As we mentioned a few spots above, coffee can add to the happiness in your life. Coffee also helps boost your mood and alertness, which can help alleviate the symptoms that come with depression such a lethargy and lack of motivation. Part of how it does this is by blocking adenosine receptors in the central nervous system, which are linked to causing that fatigued mood from depression. Enjoying your daily coffee, along with any other meds or methods that you may be doing to limit depression effects, will make for
  • Full of antioxidants and essential nutrients. Yep, we started this one with an “is” and not a “may.” That’s because coffee is absolutely chock full of antioxidants, even more than green tea, actually. Coffee is also a great source of essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and niacin (vitamin B3). So go ahead and pour that cup of health, my friend.

Now for some possible negative effects: higher levels of anxiety, temporary blood pressure rise, feeling jittery or restless, headaches, and dehydration. We felt obligated to include these, so you know what to watch for and won’t be caught by surprise.

Coffee is a magical thing, and while simply drinking the mug of it will bring joy and light into your day, you can now sip a little happier knowing that it is helping your body. You may see better heart and brain health, get a better workout in, lower your risk of certain cancers, and even help battle your depression…all from this delicious cup of coffee. If you want to learn more benefits of coffee in your daily routine, then visit this website for further details.

About author


my name is Jodi Dangerfield. I am a writer and freelancer. I have written articles for various companies, including this one!

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