Health & Food

I’m Officially a Runner (Fitness Friday!)

First came my Thanksgiving Day 2012 run (by myself, nice and slow), which was about 5 months post knee injury. Next, about 2 months later, came my new shoes, because my knee didn’t hurt, and I didn’t want it tostart hurting. Being proactive, not reactive; that’s the key to success. Runner 1

Yes, new shoes are necessary after about 6 months to a year, depending on your mileage.

Next came the sore calves. Yeah, forget the knee, my calves felt like they were going to burst! So, I became an “Indian Giver” and took the foam roller back from my mom (I had bought it for myself, but never used it, then gave it to my mom). Yeah, it’s mine again, sorry mom.Runner 2


Next came the deep thoughts about new running routes (because I’m really enjoying running again, wahoo!). I’ve got about four routes now, and pretty soon I’ll be adding one that involves a trip down to the river, about a half mile away from our house. I can’t wait for the weather to start getting nicer so I feel safer going to the river (I like it when there are more people there). I think eventually I’ll be able to run for over an hour and beyond, but for now 45 minutes is my max. And don’t ask me how many miles that is, right now I’m focuing on minutes.

And next……came the new clothes! Bye bye cheap Old Navy clothes(well, actually, I still love Old Navy’s workout clothes. They are cheap and pretty darn comfortable).Runner 3

Working out in my boring (but comfortable!) Old Navy Clothes

And next? I became a Fit Fashionista! Check out my “model look” in my new #LoveEllie workout gear.

That’s right, now I can run and….jump rope, in style.Runner 4

And guess what? So can you!

1) Click on the giant PINK link on the right side of my blog to get 20% off any order from their new March clothing line

2) Sign up to be an “Ellie Ambassador” and get a top and a shirt, each month, for only $49.95! Now that’s a deal.Runner

Here is a sneak peak at the March collection

No, no, this is me below, not in the photos above. Sorry if you were confused. hahahahaHA!Runner 5

That’s right, sign-up today and you TOO can have these awesome holes in your sleeves (this is when I knew I was a true runner. I mean, I have the sleeve hole!).Runner 6

And you know you’re a new runner when you have no clue what the holes are for…..Runner 1

I’ve decided they actually serve three purposes;

1) They hold my small key when I go running

2) They hold my iPod Mini

3) They protect the fragile skin on my hands from sun damage (you know, your hands always give away your age if you don’t protect them correctly!)

QUESTION: Do you like to buy new fun and fashion-forward clothes for your workouts? Do you like the “hole in the sleeve” look? If so, what purpose do they serve for you??

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for reading!

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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