Nick and I like to go on mini vacations. And when I say mini, I mean one or two nights. We both have busy work schedules and one of us is typically working on the weekends, so longer vacations don’t happen more than once a year (even that is a stretch). When we do have time to hop in the car for a short trip, or long one, I always try to have healthy snacks on hand so we don’t waste money stopping somewhere to eat, and because let’s face it, healthier snacks and other foods are not abundant on the road. Last September we traveled to North Carolina, by car, to get married. I brought this Crunchy Ramen Snack Mix and now it will forever remind me of our wonderful trip to Bald Head Island, where we tied the knot and became bonded for life!I wasn’t a ramen noodle girl in college, but as a young child I loved it (maybe because I was naive when it came to nutrition back then?). I can remember my mom only allowing me to use half of the seasoning packet whenever I made ramen noodles. She’s so smart, making sure my sodium intake was limited, even as a young girl. It’s really no wonder I became a dietitian! Thanks mom
Last year I was miraculously recieving Everyday Food Magazine in the mail,which is apparently one of Martha Stewart’s magazines. I found this recipe for Crunchy Ramen Snack Mix and thought it sounded, in one word, FANTASTIC. When I went shopping to buy the ingredients (at the grocery store where I work) I was slightly embarrassed to be seen with ramen noodles in my cart (the dietitian is eating ramen noodles?!) so I was sure to carry the recipe with me to show people that I was just using the noodles, not the days-worth-of-sodium seasoning packet. And of course I was adding some quality protein and healthy fats.
Crunchy Ramen Snack Mix
Modified from a Martha Stewart Living recipe
Serves: 18 (1/3 cup per serving)
2 packages ramen, broken into small pieces **
1 cup raw cashews **
1 cup raw peanuts
1 cup cornflakes
3 Tbsp. vegetable oil (I used canola)
4 tsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. fine salt
1/2 cup freeze dried wasabi peas
** NOTE: To make this recipe lower FODMAPs, omit the cashews and use (more) peanuts or walnuts. Also keep in mind ramen contains wheat. There is likely no substitute for ramen!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. On a rimmed baking sheet toss ramen, cashews, peanuts, and cornflakes with oil until coated. Spread mixture in an even layer. Combine curry powder, cayenne, and salt in a separate small bowl; sprinkle over ramen mixture. Bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes, stirring 2 times in between. Stir in wasabi peas and let cool completely before serving.
TIP: Unless you are planning on using the peanuts and cashews later, shop for these ingredients in the bulk department so you only have to buy what the recipe calls for.
Serving size: 1/3 cup
Nutrition Highlights:Under 150 calories, 4 grams of protein, packed with unsaturated poly- and mono-unsaturated fats.Yes, part of the mix got slightly burned, but….I liked it!
While I was definitely that annoying person who kept eating my favorite parts of this snack (the cashews and the wasabi peas) the combination of flavors tasted wonderful all together. It truly acted as a delicious snack the entire week of our trip, and we even had some leftover to enjoy for snacks in our lunches for weeks after. It was delicious, and much cheaper than any trail or snack mix you could buy at the store.