Health & Food

Post-Christmas “Detox”

After two days and nights of a few too many of these….Detox 1


…… way too many FODMAPS…….Detox 2

It’s hard going to two Italian dinners and having to avoid garlic, onion, wheat and ricotta. So….I don’t avoid them. I deal with the pain. It’s typically worth it

……and more sugar than I should eat in even an entire week ….Detox 3Detox 4

I told Nick I needed to detox. He laughed. So did I.Christmas

First Christmas as a married couple. It was wonderful.

After all, that’s what our kidneys and livers are for, right? We are already detoxing from all the crap we’ve eaten in the last two days, we just don’t know it. However, as much as I hate the word “detox”, Nick and I have our own way of detoxing, and that just means easing our way back into a diet full of vegetables, fruits, lots of water, and lean proteins. Period. For me it also means no FODMAPS. Zip, zilch, nada (not even the leftovers, boo hoo!!). Our “detox” doesn’t mean we can’t have sugar or alcohol, it just means starting today we will be going back to just one (for me) or two (for Nick) drinks a day (that is, if we decide to drink) and if we have a dessert we will make sure it’s just that; a dessert (not desserts, pilled on a plate). Here is today’s plan;

Morning: 2 cups black coffee, lots of water, WORKOUT

Post Workout: High-protein cereal, plain Greek yogurt, pumpkin puree, frozen blueberries, unsweetened cocoa and Stevia

Afternoon: WATER, WATER, WATER (soda water, perhaps….)

Lunch: A bowl of veggies (~2 cups cooked), with about 1 tsp. freshly grated parmesan and maybe some nutritional yeast

Late afternoon: WATER, WATER, WATER, and some type of snack, such as some pomegranates or granola (or both)

Dinner: Maple mustard Salmon that my wonderful aunt gave me last night, with more vegetables (maybe a fresh spinach salad)

Late night: Slightly dirty martini (hey, I’m still on vacation!) and a square of EXTRA dark chocolate

QUESTION: How did you spend the holidays? Did you eat and/or drink too much? Do you detox? If so, what’s your method for detoxing?!

Aside from the food and drink aspect, Nick and I had an amazing Christmas and we’re so excited to see what 2013 will bring. I really hope everyone enjoyed their holiday with family and friends. I will be back tomorrow with a new recipe for shrimp cocktail dip!

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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