Health & Food

Our First Party Was a Hit!

How was everyone’s Fourth of July?! Nick and I had our first party and I have to say it was quite a success. We spent the entire day getting together all the last minute details, such as putting up this lovely blue canopy, which was meant to provide shade. Hmmm…didn’t really do much in my opinion.First Party

Last week we purchased some patio furniture, which we love. We’ll be painting the chairs soon just to spruce them up a bit.First Party 1

At a party with people in the age group of 17-35, cornhole is a must. I dominate at this game. Has everyone heard of this? Or is this just a midwest thing?First Party 2

I didn’t take many pictures, I guess I was too busy drinking, making guests happy, and mingling (we had about 27 guests). I was glad I got this picture though, with me in the middle, my friend Renee on the left, and my mom on the right. This was pretty early so I was more into the whole picture thing at this point.First Party 3

Renee is my friend from high school and college. There is only one word to describe Renee and that’s HILARIOUS. She bought us this cheese cutting board, with some cheese and crackers for our party. You see what the fruit is on the cutting board? It’s an artichoke. When we were in high school we had to bring cans in for the canned food drive and I brought in three cans of artichokes. I had no idea they were about 4 times as expensive as most canned goods, I just knew I didn’t like them so I figured I’d grab them and give them away (sorry mom!). Our teacher, Mrs. Leonard, completely yelled at me and said, “ARTICHOKES?! Why would you bring ARTICHOKES to a canned food drive?! It’s an acquired taste!”
Oops. I mean, why not?! It’s a canned food drive!! Who says I can’t bring artichokes?! Needless to say, I love artichokes now, and I would never give them away!First Party 4

I only took pictures of the pretty foods, such as this giant tray of fruit. It was so fresh and delicious. My aunt made a lemon yogurt dipping sauce for the fruit and it was the perfect combination.First Party 5

And of course my watermelon salsa! It was a hit (especially for the bugs, ewww).First Party 6

I filled my plate with a cheeseburger and pulled chicken. I wasn’t in the mood for beans (I didn’t have Beano at my service) and I was just craving some protein!First Party 7

The best food creation was made by our friend Pat Dappen. She made this amazing sheet cake and used blueberries, raspberries, and vanilla icing for the stars and stripes. Yes, this cake tasted just as good as it looked. Maybe even better!First Party 8

Late night, after all the adults were gone (hehe) we sat around the fire and had a few good laughs, and drinks. We made S’mores and we got in a heated conversation as to which way is best to roast a marshmallow. I was pretty much the only person who didn’t say “BURN IT TO A CRISP!”. I’m sorry but I don’t like burning my marhsmallows (if I can help it)! What about you?First Party 9

We all got a kick out of teaching Smita, one of my good friends from school, how to make a S’more. She had never had one before so we had to make her first experience spectacular! I think she liked it. I mean, how can you not like a S’more?!First Party 10

Oh yeah, my parent’s new dog Scarlet showed up too. What a cutie.First Party 11

Overall the party was a blast. I drank too much and ate too much, but I had a great time with my family, friends, and neighbors. Nick and I look forward to doing this again next year.


Sassy of Agapi Mou and

Ally of Sweet and Savory


Coming Up

I’m leaving for Pittsburgh today because tomorrow at 12pm I start my first day of training. I’ll be sleeping in a hotel this entire week, and then I’ll come home for the weekend, only to go back to Pittsburgh the following week (I’ll be doing this for eight weeks!). I think next week we get to start staying in condos instead of hotels, and I’m fairly sure I’ll be getting a roommate. It’s sort of like college again! Similar to college, I’m anticipating being very busy so I may be taking a short blog break, but who knows. I may or may not be posting while I’m there, it depends on how much free time I get. Tomorrow I hope to post a recap of my pre-Pittsburgh food preparation for the week. You can see what a psycho RD does for her boyfriend when she goes out of town…..

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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