Health & Food

Biggest Loser Review and Division One Training Center

Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a great week. I’ve been super busy, but made time to write this post, and have been trying really hard to read as many blogs as possible. Please bear with me, I promise I’ll catch up sooner or later Sometimes life just takes over!

Biggest Loser Review

Bob didn’t mention the unpleasant side effects that come from chewing sugar free Extra gum all day. Yeah, diarrhea, flatulence. Good times

Amanda sounded like she had disordered thinking going on. What do you think? She said she struggles just waking up, and thinking about counting calories and watching her weight. She basically said it causes her stress. That makes me sad, and I hope she can talk to someone after the show.

Subway, AGAIN?!

I’m not against the fact that they ran a marathon, but come on, 60 days to prepare? That may be doable for someone who has done a marathon before, but for the contestants on the BL I thought it was a little ridiculous.

Danny lost 59 pounds in 60 days. That’s 1 pound per day. He looks AWESOME, but what the heck is going on in his body biologically, and metabolically? Who knows?! The safe amount of weight loss is 1-2 pounds PER WEEK. This is not good for the public to see, in my opinion.


They went back home for 60 days, to see if they could do this at home. That’s fantastic. I love that they do this. Losing weight on a catered and scheduled ranch, is much different than losing, and maintaining weight in the real world.

Loved how realistic the contestants were. They knew about the “honeymoon stage” and they talked about it, and made peace with it. They talked through their plan, and their goals. I think their goals sounded so real and achievable. I was so proud of them!

The Take Home Chef. That’s all I have to say I love Curtis Stone. I wish I had “Smell0vision”!

This one deserves a “LOVE”, and it’s Danny! I love him. I hope his wife realizes how much he loves her too. She will.

5 Random Things I Have Learned This Year

I am incredibly lucky, no matter how many times I have a moment of sadness

I LOVE cheese! Especially Swiss

I love my job, but actually having a job and living in the “real world” can really be as difficult as they say.

85% dark chocolate tastes gross when eaten after a piece of milk chocolate, but when eaten alone it’s amazing! Especially Lindt’s.

Many of the foods I eat contain a lot more sodium than I ever imagined. This was a good lesson learned, as I’m making some serious changes now!

Life Update
I’ve been working almost 12 hours the past two days, which I’m not used to at all, but it’s been a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the Division One Training Center with whom we have partnered:

They train “every day people” who are just looking to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight. They do this in the form of a boot camp. Wednesday was their testing day, where they were weighed, measured, and their sprint times were recorded. They use this data as a base fitness assessment, or to compare with past assessments to see if there have been any positive changes.Biggest Loser 1Biggest Loser 2

They also train young athletes in middle school and high school, and of course some college aged athletes. GO BUCKS!Biggest Loser 3We will be in charge of providing the nutrition consulting, in order for the participants to learn how to balance athletics with a healthy diet. They are both important, obviously, so I think we’ll make a positive difference and people will hopefully notice a change in their strength, energy, and motivation.Biggest Loser 4Biggest Loser 5Loser

Kelly is giving away a 20% off coupon and free bride t-shirt from Cake by Inkbox Design

Stay tuned for my next post, which will include some product reviews, and some of my own tips on how to get kids to eat healthier. I may even throw in a restaurant review, we’ll see. Thanks for reading! Have a great day

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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