Desserts & Ice Creams

(Homegrown) Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Did everyone enjoy their Holiday yesterday?? It was rainy all day long here in Columbus, but the rain didn’t put an end to any of the festivities. There was still a great parade, many outdoor BBQs, and plenty of wonderful fireworks all day and night. I love the Fourth of July, even with rain and all. You know what else I love? Being off two days in a row, and….Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.Ice Cream

We’ve got mint growing like crazy in our garden. In fact, we’ve got many things growing like crazy in our garden, and I’ll be posting about our “backyard farmer’s market” soon. We’re thinking of opening our doors around mid-August, to the public, you know….compete with all the local farmer’s markets. haha, jk. But seriously, you should see our garden! My husband has turned into not only the manager of people, but also the manager of a small farm in Columbus, Ohio (aka our backyard). He’s so talented

Ice Cream 1

Homemade Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, on the Lighter Side

Serves: 10 (~1/2 cup servings)


1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond or soy milk (or skim milk)

3/4 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 cup loosely packed fresh mint

2 cups chilled half and half

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. In a blender mix the first four ingredients until well blended (pulse for about 60 seconds). Pour into a large bowl and add the chilled half and half. Whisk everything together until you no longer feel the grittiness of the sugar, and it’s dissolved all the way.
  2. Add the mixture to a prepared ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s directions for making the ice cream. Once the ice cream is finished churning, mix in the chocolate chips.
  3. Serve cold, and garnished with fresh mint if you desire.

**NOTE: If you are following a low FODMAPs diet this recipe is safe unless you are really sensitive to lactose. Most people with lactose intolerance will be able to handle about 12 grams of lactose in a sitting (especially when the lactose is consumed with protein and/or fat, which slows down the digestion). The amount of lactose in one serving of this ice cream is ~2 grams (that is assuming you use almond or soy milk) so it should be fine!Nutrition

Estimated Nutrition Facts for 1/2-cup

Nutrition Highlights: Under 150 calories, Less fat than most ice creams you find on the shelf, plus all-natural ingredients (yeah, I said it, all natural. Let me define: No artificial colors, additives, or preservatives).

What was your favorite flavor of ice cream when you were young? For me it was….mint chocolate chip. Of course, it was the artificially colored green mint chocolate chip that I liked best. Not anymore. Now I can get fresh mint from my backyard, so who needs green food dye and peppermint extract?! Not me!Chip Ice Cream

Other than mint chocolate chip my favorite flavor of ice cream now is peanut butter chocolate chunk, or almond joy gelato (our candy department sells it at work and it’s amazing). What about you?

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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