Health & Food

3 Delicious Recipes for Keto Protein Shakes

Are you following the keto diet? You’re not alone. The global keto diet market is currently worth almost ten billion dollars worldwide.

But, eating the same things over and over again can get annoying. So, searching for more recipes is always important. Do you want more recipes for keto protein shakes?

Check out these top suggestions.

  1. Strawberry Keto Shakes

A strawberry keto shake is a great choice for people who enjoy sweets.

Start by using frozen strawberries, around half a cup. You should use around three-quarters of a cup of either almond milk or coconut milk. Add around one cup of ice and half a cup of cream cheese.

Next, you’ll want to add half a teaspoon of lavender extract, and half a teaspoon of lemon zest. If you’re using protein, measure out your portion carefully. Blend, and you’ll have your new smoothie!

For more zip, add half a teaspoon of dried lavender to your strawberry keto protein shakes. This will add a whole new complexity to the taste of your keto smoothie, which even non-keto diet followers will enjoy when they sample these protein shakes.

  1. Green Keto Shakes

Green smoothies are popular right now, but have you tried the keto-friendly variety? Well, get ready to try one of the best smoothies out there.

You’ll want to start with a base of unsweetened almond milk. Use around three-quarters of a cup for best results. Next, add half a fresh avocado. Add spinach or kale based on your taste. Lemon or lime juice will help bring out the different ingredients in this smoothie. If necessary, add a natural sweetener, such as Stevia. If you like, you can add other green ingredients to add more nutrition to your keto shake.

Add protein powder based on your needs. If you’re trying to make multiple keto protein shakes, adjust the number of ingredients as needed. You’re now ready to blend up your keto shake.

  1. Berry Keto Shakes

If you’d like even more berries, why not try out a mixed berry smoothie? You can choose your different berries based on your taste, but consider blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and the like.

You’ll then need to add your unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Greek yogurt will help add some texture to your berry smoothie. Then, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, and natural sweeteners to complement the flavors of the different berries.

Add, of course, add ice and protein powder based on your specific needs. You can also choose vanilla-flavored protein powder for an extra dose of flavor. Then, you’re ready to blend the different ingredients together. Voila, a delicious berry keto smoothie!

Now It’s Time to Try These Keto Protein Shakes

There’s no excuse — start trying out these recipes for keto protein shakes, and you’ll be on your way to a more healthy lifestyle.

Are you looking for more tips on the keto diet and more? Scroll through some of our other articles today.

About author


my name is Jodi Dangerfield. I am a writer and freelancer. I have written articles for various companies, including this one!

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