Health & Food

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are a natural part of life. Everyone deals with them on occasion. However, when they start to dictate your life, then you have a real problem. On the upside, there are a number of ways that you can manage your anxiety.

Worsening the Problem

There are triggers that can actually enhance or bring on your anxiety. Caffeine is one of them. As such, you should refrain from drinking soda pop or excessive amounts of coffee. Illicit drugs, cocaine, and alcohol can also cause you to become anxious. The irony is that many people abuse these substances as a way to relax and reduce their level of stress and anxiety! However, using these substances can bring about a serious addiction. Thankfully, there are places to seek help for addictions and dependencies, such as a drug detox program. If you’re worried about someone finding out about your addiction, here’s some good news: HIPPA laws require these facilities to keep your information private.


Meditation is an ancient practice that goes back thousands of years. Meditating keeps the focus on what you are experiencing literally right now. Most people who struggle with anxiety worry about something that has already happened as well as what may happen in the future. When you meditate, you go into a relaxed state in both your body and mind. Practicing meditation for three to four times each week or even for just 20 minutes each day will help to relieve your mind of the overload of issues in your life.

Deep Breathing

While meditation will help to keep your mind clear and calm, deep breathing does pretty much the same and you can do it at any point throughout the day. If you feel an anxious or stressful moment coming on strong, take a few deep controlled breaths and you’ll start to relax almost instantly.

Your Diet

Certain types of foods can initially satisfy your sweet tooth or hunger. However, that feeling usually evaporates and you wind up feeling more anxious than you did before you ate anything. Foods with high levels of antioxidants, omega 3s, magnesium, zinc, and complex carbohydrates keep your system steady, helping you maintain lower levels of anxiety. Try to avoid processed foods and those high in simple carbohydrates. It’s also beneficial to eat smaller meals more frequently. Skipping any meal can cause your blood sugar to take a drop and bring on feelings of anxiety.

Establish Order

When your life spirals out of control you will feel anxious and depressed. This is why it’s essential to maintain order in your life. Create a budget, organize your home and office, and make a list of goals to achieve each day. For instance, tackle the laundry and clear out the basement. Make the goals small so that you can cross a few off each day. It will give you a euphoric feeling of accomplishment.

Do Something That Makes you Happy

Stress and anxiety can form as a result of your having a lack of self-worth or importance. It’s fine to care about others’ needs. However, it’s not okay to never tend to your own needs. In fact, people who only help others and then neglect themselves often feel resentment for those around them. Doing something that makes you feel good is a wonderful way to improve your anxiety. Take up an art class, yoga class, or simply take the afternoon off and head to the spa.

Keep Your Body in Motion

Exercise is a fantastic way to fight off feelings of anxiety. The best part is that you can do any type of physical activity that gets your heart rate up. Swim a few laps in the pool, take a long bike ride on a trail or spend 30 minutes each day dancing at home.

Anxiety affects nearly 20% of the population. Thankfully, you can improve your feelings and begin to lead a healthier more fulfilling life.

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
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