Salads & Sides

Tofu “Egg” Salad, Simple and Baby Approved

I’ll be the first dietitian to admit I’m an egg addict. You probably know the research goes back and forth as to whether or not eggs are good, bad, ok in moderation, and so on and so forth. I think currently the research stands at “They are good for you unless you have uncontrolled cholesterol and then you should just stick to two yolks a week”. Anyway, I eat more than two yolks per week and I’m not too worried. I started feeding eggs to Paige around six months and she loved/loves them, but I figured I should probably limit her consumption since, well, she’s barely a year old (and what’s the research say about little infant livers and cholesterol or saturated fat? I don’t really know). I found this great recipe for a tofu “egg” salad. I made it for myself but thought Paige would love it too.Egg Salad 1

I know this photo doesn’t exactly scream, “Eat me I’m delicious!”. Sorry. It looks like egg salad though, right??

I’m still not really able to eat a lot of tofu, as it upsets my stomach (it’s a shame, really, because I love it!). The only time I was able to eat endless amounts of tofu (and yes, I did) was when I was pregnant. I’m still searching for any evidence that links pregnancy to reduced IBS symptoms. I swear that was the case with me. I didn’t care a thing about foods that normally caused me discomfort (such as FODMAPs). Tofu is actually low FODMAPs so if you’re following a low FODMAPs diet you should be ok with this recipe (just be warned it might still cause symptoms regardless of whether it’s a FODMAP). I can only eat it in small amounts (ie: 2-3 Tbsp).Egg Salad 2

Tofu “Egg” Salad


  • 1 container Extra Firm silken tofu (strained)
  • Light mayo (or Veganaise for egg-free/vegan version)
  • Mustard
  • Salt and pepper
  • Chopped onion **
  • Celery, chopped **


  1. With a fork, start mashing the tofu in a medium bowl. Add the mustard and mayo until you reach your desired “egg salad” consistency. Use more or less as you please. Add salt and pepper to taste, as well as the celery and onion (or chives). Really, you decide how you want your salad!
  2. Serve in lettuce cups, on toast, on a bun, plain with a fork, or on a rice cake (this is what I did for Paige, my 10-month-old daughter).


** If you are following a low FODMAPs diet, celery is safe as long as you stick to ¼ medium stalk, or less (celery contains polyols). Instead of using onion, use the green portion of green onions for this recipe (or chives).

Clearly this week’s post was a lazy post. The photos are awful and the recipe is simple, but hey, it’s tasty so that’s all that matters, right? I’ll be back next week with the third post about my experience with Baby Led Weaning. See you then!

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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