Health & Food

Raw Fruit and Nut Balls; The Perfect On-The-Go Snacks

After my first attempt at making raw balls (a food/snack I have read about on many blogs) I feel as though I’m a raw ball PRO! haha, well, that’s not saying much because it’s actually quite easy. Here are two of my first raw ball recipes, which I’ve adapted from several bloggers and other dietitians throughout the years (yes, I’ve been meaning to make raw balls since I first saw them posted two years ago!).

Raw Ball #1
Raw Fruit and Nut Balls

(Makes ~22)


1/2 cup almonds and walnuts
1 cup fresh prunes
2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup peanut butter


  1. Use a food processor to blend all the ball ingredients
  2. Use clean hands to scoop out the ball dough and roll the dough into nice round balls
  3. Make the balls about half the size of a ping pong ball (should make about 20-22 balls). *** You could really make them any size you want, obviously ***
  4. Freeze the balls (after eating a couple, of course).Nut Balls 1

These were soft and chewy in texture, with a fruity flavor. Delicious.

Nutrition Facts
(Serving size: 1 ball)

And I swear I did not plan for these balls to have 69 calories. It was just a coincidence I have to say I disagree with the C- grade (almost failing!). I mean, any snack with prunes, walnuts, and almonds deserves at least a B, don’t you think?!

Raw Ball #2
Raw Fruit and Nut Protein Balls
(Makes ~10)

1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1 T honey
1/4 cup soy protein powder
1/2 cup oats
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup diced apricots

2 T wheat germ
(** Are you gluten free? Use coconut! **)

Directions: Throw everything together into a bowl and mix! Then form into balls and roll in the wheat germ.Nut Balls 2

These had a harder and nuttier texture and flavor.

Nutrition Facts

(Serving Size: 1 ball)

They were definitely a tad on the dry side, but they were still very tasty (and Nick approved!). They tasted great with a giant glass of vanilla unsweetened almond milk.

Other Ways to Enjoy Your Raw Balls

– Pack them in your lunch for a sweet meal-ending snack/dessert

– Keep them in your freezer for those late night sweet cravings (it’s better to grab these than a cookie or ice cream, right?!)

– Throw them in a baggie and keep them in your purse for those moments you get hungry on-the-go.

– Toss them on (or crumble in) some ice cream, frozen yogurt, or regular yogurt.

I’m also really loving the idea of these Carrot Cake Balls. This is next on my “raw ball” list!

QUESTION: Do you have any other fun recipes for raw balls?! I’m into them!

Very Important Question: I have written a label booklet that takes you through the grocery aisles and explains what to look for and what to be cautious of on labels. I am debating whether to pay to have it printed and stapled or to just send it via an e-book to those who purchase it. Would you buy this booklet if it was sent to you in a PDF file, which you would have to then print and staple? It will be in the appropriate format so when it prints it will print like a little label book, all you would need to do it cut and staple it, and you’d have the file forever! Or, would you rather pay a little more to have it printed and stapled already? Or, would you not buy it at all? PLEASE be HONEST!

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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