Health & Food

Here’s What I’ve Been Up To…..

I’m on summer vacation now, because I don’t start my job until July 6th. However, I have a list about a mile long of things I want to accomplish before I start my job. I’ve already crossed a few things off…..

We chose paint for our master bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen.painting the kitchen

I started painting the kitchen on Tuesday, and my mom and I finished it last night. What do you think?new curtains

We need new curtains, a new table, and blinds for the windows (we are getting white wooden blinds). Once that is all finished I will show you the entire kitchen. For now it’s just a little teaser because the decorating has only just begun!kitchen 1

We bought mulch for our front yard and laid it all last weekend. It was a lot of work, but check out how much nicer it looks.front yard

Next step is to plant some pretty flowers.front yard 1

I’ve been planning out our workout room, which will revolve around this elliptical that Nick’s sister gave us! She moved out of her apartment last weekend and said we could take the elliptical, which she claimed to have never used. Crazy. This will eventually get moved into our new workout room (another thing on my to-do list).workout room 5

Until we move this thing inside, it’s stuck in the garage. Working out in the garage in 90 degree weather means I have to get out there as early as possible in order to beat the heat. I’ve been working out before eating breakfast, which is something I think I could get used to. I do eat a handful of berries, a few bites of granola, and a cup of coffee before I get on this thing (I carry water with me too).workout room 6

What Have I Been Eating?

THIS…EatingMessy Pumpkin Oat Bran

(oat bran, soy milk, regular 2% plain yogurt, 1/2 T almond butter, and 1/2 cup pumpkin)Eating 1

Fresh Ohio grown tomatoes, which are amazing at this time of year.Eating 2

Sliced on top of some egg whites, cheese, and greens.Eating 3

And tons of strawberries. Thank goodness I can eat berries on this FODMAPs diet, or else I may go crazy.Eating 4

Gina’s To-Do List Before July 6th

– Plan our house warming party (July 3rd). Who’s coming?!

– Order blinds for the kitchen

– Paint the living room

– Put together out workout room

– Prepare meals for Nick since I will be doing most of my training in Pittsburgh (if I don’t prepare him anything, he will order pizza every night, or just not eat at all. Crazy)

– CLEAN the house after out July 3rd party

QUESTION: What projects are you working on at the moment?

Coming Up

On Saturday I will be posting a review on a new dietary supplement I received. Until then, have a great week/weekend! And as always, thanks for reading.

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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