Health & Food

Tuna Patty, Made the Wrong Way

In honor of my 27th birthday (tomorrow), I am taking a day off from the computer so I can pretend like I’m 10 again before the internet was invented. It’s only going to be for 24 hours, but I haven’t done that in so long. I’m seriously glued to the computer just about all day, mainly because my job requires it, and my eyes are starting to hate me. I probably won’t post again until Monday, unless I really feel like doing a post on Sunday, we’ll see how much fun I have tomorrow night (if you know what I mean…).

Check out the frozen yogurt I made last night! I used the normal recipe for vanilla ice cream (you can find it under “desserts” on my recipe list to the right) but I used about 2 T less sugar. I also added that sugar back by throwing in some granola, chocolate chips, and Reese’s Pieces!chocolate chips

Tuna Patties

3 ounces of canned tuna
1 egg white
25 grams whole wheat crackers
1 tsp EVOO/or just PAM

** I use grams because most crackers will give the servings in grams, weirdly enough. You can just estimate, it’s not an exact science **

Possible Modifications

  • Use any type of cracker you wish
  • Use bread if you’d prefer bread over crackers
  • Add some spices. Maybe some garlic, pepper, or curry powder!
  • Use canned chicken or salmon!
  • Make the patty larger, or make more by doubling/tripling the recipe

This is an easy one. Put the crackers in a bag and crush them into pieces (no particular size, just try to make them uniform). After draining the canned tuna, and breaking it up with a fork, get a medium bowl and add to it the can of tuna and the egg white. Use a clean pair of hands (or a fork) to blend in the egg white with the tuna. Then add the crushed crackers and blend in with the tuna and egg white. Add some oil, or just PAM spray, to a skillet, and get it hot. Form the tuna mixture into a patty and cook over medium heat until both sides are slightly brown.

Final product!Tuna Patty 1

It looks a little prettier with the side of red peppers that I sauteed. Normally you would eat this with a bun or a couple of pieces of bread, but of course, I don’t have any wheat-free bread yet (I’ll save that story for another post).Tuna Patty 2

I actually had to use rice since I had zero access to wheat-free crackers or bread. I would NOT recommend using rice. The nutrition facts below are for the recipe above, which used whole wheat crackers:

Additional Benefit
~ 275 mg omega-3

My Rating: 7 out of 10
Obviously I think this would have been better had I had access to wheat-free crackers.

Nick’s Rating: HAHA!! Too funny, you think Nick would try a tuna patty?! Oh, you’re sorely mistaken.


Whenever I type “Coming Up” I imagine the guy on the Bachelor. He always says that when it goes to a commercial. Not that I watch the Bachelor…no…not me. So as I said, I’m not posting or even looking at my computer screen tomorrow (hmm, I may Tweet a couple of times…). We don’t have any outrageous plans, but I told Nick I wanted to go rock climbing. Now don’t forget, we live in Ohio. It’s not a bunch of farms like many of you might think, but they’re sure as heck aren’t many rocks to climb! That’s why we are going to a place called Vertical Adventures, which is filled with about 20 different “fake” rocks. So yeah, not as cool as the real thing, but still tons of fun. After that, we are going to a new sushi restaurant with my family. Low key, just how we like it. I did a happy hour with my mom and girlfriends last night. It was a really great time.

This may have to be my slogan for the next couple of days.

I’ll be back on Sunday or Monday. Until then, thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend.

About author


Hi, my name is Rebecca Houston and I am a writer. I write about health, healthy food and daily meal plan for various websites.
healthy food

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