To those of you who commented on my post from today, it WAS a duplicate post I realized I had not updated the date and it wasn’t showing up when I opened my blog, so I re-posted it. Sorry for the confusion! To update you on my hard drive, it’s officially gone and I have had it replaced now. I am still about 5 days behind since it had all of my documents for the company we are launching next week, therefore I have yet to read anyone’s blogs and I feel so bad. I am just a mess right now, PLEASE forgive me! Again, I am still drawing the winners of the giveaway tonight, and I will post about it tomorrow. Thank goodness I had already uploaded all of my pics from the week/weekend before my computer started to hate me, so this post will take you through FNCE day 2!
Free Breakfast!
For breakfast on the second day my friend Fatinah and I decided to eat some of our freebies, so an apple with Barney Butter was perfect! I had never tried Barney Butter and let me tell you, it’s AWESOME! It tastes like peanut butter, but it’s made with almonds. This is good for me because I know almond butter is a bit healthier, but I like the taste of peanut butter better.
We walked into the expo on day two and I went right to the Smart Balance booth to complain to them about their FISHY peanut butter. Guess what?? This (below) is their new reformulated peanut butter! I tasted it and it was FISH TASTE FREE!! I was so excited, people probably thought I was crazy. Notice what it says on the front, “Rich Roasted”. This is new, so keep your eyes peeled.Seminar #3
Omega Fats, The Latest Research
– Research now indicates that an increased intake of omega-6 fatty acids (chicken, dressings, corn oil) DOES NOT lead to more inflammation, and it in fact reduces the risk of heart disease.
– An increased intake of omega-6 fatty acids also decreases IL-6, an inflammatory compound in the body.
– ANOTHER update from one of my posts; Do you choose wild salmon because you think it’s got more omega-3 fats? Well if you do, you should stop! Why? There is actually MORE omega-3 in FARMED salmon! And, it’s cheaper
– For those of you who take a flaxseed supplement or choose to eat walnuts and other sources of ALA (an omega-3 fatty acid) instead of fish or fish oil, you should know that it has been shown to be VERY POORLY converted to DHA and EPA.
Ok, back to the expo. LARABAR!!! Check it out, they were just sitting there on the table for us to grab. They weren’t the full sizes, obviously, but the small sizes are just as good.I’ve heard a lot about these VitaTops. I grabbed a few of them and I thought they were Ok. Not what I expected though, sort of dry in my opinion.
Puffins! Many of you were interested in this cereal. I asked the lady if I could have a coupon and she was so rude, she said; “Do you EAT this cereal?!”. I was like, “umm, yeah, or why else would I want a coupon?”
Thank goodness for these eggs, as I was on sugar overload with all the juice and bar samples! Eggs on a stick are pretty fun, you should try them sometime.
And of course sitting in a plastic egg is just as fun. I look like a moron.
Kettle Cuisine had a pot of about 6 different types of soups for us to sample. I tried the carrot and butternut squash soup. It was delicious.
The Beef Council was there also. This little taste was just what I needed. Healthy, right? An egg and some beef! haha
Another favorite in the blog world, Cabot cheese!
Ok I’ve got to get back to work now. All work, no play. Sorry this post was sort of “to the point and boring”, but I hope you learned some things. I am so excited to get back to regular posting and reading everyone’s blogs. I hope you all understand why I have not been commenting on your blogs lately, I am just so behind. Stay tuned for the announcement of my giveaway tomorrow morning! I would also like to give a special shout out to;
LESLIE AT DREAM DINNERS in Seattle, Washington. She was kind enough to supply me with two awesome bags, one for me and one for my giveaway! One of the lucky winners will receive it one, they are great.
Thanks for reading everyone, and of course, thanks for being patient with me and being loyal to my blog You are all so great!